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Abbot Tilmann of Johannisberg

In 1442, Tilmann was elected successor to the late Abbot Nikolaus III. The invention of modern letterpress printing by Johannes Gutenberg took place during his time in office. From 1450, Gutenberg, who came from Mainz, used movable metal type, which made printing and thus the reproduction of books considerably easier and led to them becoming mass-produced items over time.

Abbot Tilmann died on July 7, 1456 and, like his predecessors, was buried in the chapter house of the monastery. His tomb slab shows a bas-relief depiction of the deceased in a religious habit with a staff and book.

Source: German Inscriptions Online (43, no. 213), Academy of Sciences Mainz

Image of the tomb: Michael Leukel

The funerary inscription in Gothic minuscule reads:

Ann[o domini m cccc / lvi] non[is iulii obiit reu]erendus in chr(ist)o pater et d(omi)n(u)s d(omi)n(u)s Thylmannus venerabilis abbas mon[asterii] / Eberbacensis Nonus decim(us) / Cuiu[s anima] requiescat in [san]cta pace Amen

In the year of our Lord 1456 on the Nones of July (July 7) died the venerable father in Christ and lord, Mr. Tilmann, revered 19th abbot of Eberbach Monastery, whose soul may rest in holy peace. Amen.

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