Logo Kloster Eberbach

Donations and Funding

Become Part of the Eberbach Eternity

Around 300,000 guests visit Kloster Eberbach every year to discover the historic grounds,
experience an event or simply enjoy the unique atmosphere. Please support us in continuing to share
the monastery's unique heritage with visitors from all over the world.

You alone decide whether you would like to support Kloster Eberbach in general or for a specific

Our account for donations at Rheingauer Volksbank eG:
IBAN: DE12 5109 1500 1136 0000 00

Online donations

Become part of Eberbach's eternity and donate to the preservation of the unique cultural monument Eberbach Monastery.

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Funded Projects

A multitude of projects are waiting to be discovered by you. With your donation you make the
implementation of these projects possible.

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Living cultural history

Support us in realizing this extraordinary fundraising project - and in staging history in an exciting way using the most modern means.

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Apis monastica - honeycomb house

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Promote and donate sustainably

With a monastery sponsorship, you support the long-term preservation of this unique cultural monument in the Rheingau.

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Private Donations

Support Kloster Eberbach. As a donor, you can decide whether you want to support the monastery in general or a specific project.

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Corporate Donations

Take responsibility for society – with a donation, project funding or sponsorship.

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Do you have any questions?

Would you like to get involved with Kloster Eberbach and find out about specific opportunities and projects? Our team will be happy to help you.