Logo Kloster Eberbach

The Monastery

"Our door stands open, even more so our heart"

Kloster Eberbach has always been a place of retreat and reflection. The abbey represents medieval architecture like no other place in Hessen and reflects 900 years of society and culture with its unique history.

We have made it our mission to carry on this unique heritage and preserve it for future generations. "Our door stands open, even more so our heart" – this Cistercian motto determines our daily activities.

The Foundation

Since 1998, Kloster Eberbach has been owned by a non-profit foundation under public law, the "Stiftung Kloster Eberbach".

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An inspiring journey through time: the history of the abbey gives you exciting insights into the eventful centuries of the Cistercian abbey.

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Current Projects

Since 1998 Eberbach Monastery has been owned by a non-profit foundation under public law, whose task is the long-term preservation of the monastery.

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In the podcast "Heiliger Bimbam!" Melanie Besecke and Julius Wagner invite special interview guests and tell exciting stories from Eberbach Monastery.

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Film Location

"The Name of the Rose" made Kloster Eberbach famous worldwide as a film location. Since then, it has been regularly booked by film crews for exciting projects.

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The Monastery for Children

Our door is also wide open for little guests! We look forward to inspiring future generations with our impressive cultural monument.

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Circle of Friends

The Society Friends of Eberbach Monastery is dedicated to preserving and promoting the historical and cultural significance of the monastery.

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