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Rooms for your event

Weddings Banquets and receptions Festivals and celebrations Seminars



Das Gebäude, 1755 errichtet, wurde in der Vergangenheit als Gewächshaus, Winterlager für kostbare Zitruspflanzen, Warteraum für Gäste und Party-Location genutzt. Der helle, lichtdurchflutete Raum hat seinen ganz besonderen Charme.

13,45 x 4,25 Meter
3,6 Meter Höhe
57,20 Quadratmeter

    Charmanter Rückzugsort, beheizt, große Fensterfront, direkter Blick in die Natur, Ethanol-Kamin, kleines Foyer, angeschlossene Terrasse, ausfahrbares Sonnenregel, mobile Leinwand

    Der Raum ist ausgestattet mit einer langen Tafel für
    24 Personen

  • Room size: Middle
  • Square metre: 57,2 Quadratmeter m2


Weddings Banquets and receptions Festivals and celebrations

Abbot´s Garden

up to 100 people


The garden house and the multi-level garden are visible signs of the development and the associated changes in the former Cistercian Abbey of Eberbach in the Rheingau and were reserved for the abbot alone. They were an expression of the Baroque era, which had almost been replaced, and were laid out opposite the abbot's residence on the western slope of the monastery grounds. The habitable part of the garden house also ensures that the abbot could stay in the highest place in the monastery.

The abbot's garden can only be reached via the upper lawn parterre. Smaller receptions can be held in the open air on a paved terrace; you will not feel any of the visitor traffic in the monastery complex.

Would you like to be married in the open air? The quietly situated abbey garden offers the ideal and special setting for your outdoor wedding ceremony.
Accessible only by 40 steps, the Abtsgarten is the highest area in the monastery and offers a unique view of the monastery grounds.

  • Room size: Large
  • Persons: up to 100 people
  • Square metre: 130 m2
Weddings Banquets and receptions

Prelate Garden

up to 100 people


Situated below the Abbot's Garden House and the Abbot's Garden is the Prelate's Garden. With its rose splendor and a fountain, it is the ideal location for your champagne reception. Wedding ceremonies are possible on the upper plateau.

  • Persons: up to 100 people
Banquets and receptions Weddings Festivals and celebrations Seminars

Old Brewery

up to 80 people


The high school of viticulture was cultivated in Eberbach at all times. The handling of wine, which reached as far as Cologne, formed a decisive basis for the economic prosperity of the Cistercian abbey.

In addition, the brewing of beer played a subordinate role. However, a brewery dating from the Baroque period has been preserved in Eberbach. Those accustomed to the technical appearance of today's breweries will be surprised by the artistic quality of the architecture of this building.

Cross-vaulted ceilings rest on four solid central pillars, suggesting the abbot's reception room rather than a commercial establishment. This traditional design bears witness to the high value the Cistercians placed on manual labor.

Information for your event planning
Following its extensive renovation, the Old Brewery House can be used for lectures, conferences and presentations. The former band house in front (part of the cooperage) serves as a spacious reception and checkroom. With its stylishly simple atmosphere, the room is suitable for up to 80 people. It can be used in a variety of ways with different seating arrangements.

In the context of large events in the layman's dormitory, the band house presents the organizer already in the entrance area and forms there an independent reception unit.

  • Room size: Middle
  • Persons: up to 80 people
  • Square metre: 137 m2
Banquets and receptions Weddings Festivals and celebrations Seminars

Monk´s Refectory

up to 120 people


Monastic dining rooms are called refectories. The Eberbach monks' refectory, like the other buildings that determined the monks' daily routine, is located in the cloister. This innermost district of a monastery, located around the cloister garden, was originally reserved exclusively for the consecrated choir monks.

Adjacent to the refectory was the monastery kitchen: during the renovation, the room was returned to the Romanesque period of construction around 1180. This cross-vaulted ornate room now serves as the vestibule of the refectory and is directly accessible from the Great Monastery Courtyard.

Information for your event planning
The dining hall, which was remodeled in the 18th century, today offers a very exceptional setting for conference events of all kinds. The representative ambience will leave a lasting impression on the participants.

The room can accommodate up to 180 people. It can be used in a variety of ways with different seating arrangements. In the context of larger events, the vestibule presents the organizer already in the entrance area and forms there an independent reception unit.

  • Room size: Large
  • Persons: up to 120 people
  • Square metre: 153 m2
Weddings Banquets and receptions

Cabinet Cellar

up to 120 people


The Romanesque cellar vaults in which the Cistercian monks initially worked together in daylight soon became a place for storing special wines. A "treasure chamber" for the storage of their noblest wines, which they called "Cabinet" in the age of the Baroque in noble Frenchization.

Today, the Cabinetkeller serves as an atmospheric venue for wine tastings, receptions and wedding ceremonies.

Information for your event planning
In the Cabinetkeller, you can participate in a wine tasting in a beautiful atmosphere or invite guests to a reception before or after an event.

 A candlelight wedding ceremony is especially romantic. On warm summer days, the candlelit cellar with its cool vaults unfolds a soothing aura.

  • Room size: Large
  • Persons: up to 120 people
  • Square metre: 170 m2
Concerts Weddings Banquets and receptions Festivals and celebrations Meetings Seminars

Basilica (Monastery Church)

up to 600 people


The monastery church is the central building of every abbey. Seven times a day and once a night, the monks gathered here for choir prayers and church services. The monumental Eberbach monastery church was built between 1136 and 1186 in the form of a Romanesque basilica with three naves.

Its interior still shows the extreme simplicity typical of all Cistercian churches. The monks were not to be distracted from their dialogue with their creator God by any decorations or ornaments. Since this appearance still determines the Eberbach Basilica today, there is hardly any other place in Germany where one can study and experience the purism of Romanesque architecture so impressively.

Information for your event planning
The monastery church is the centerpiece of the visitors' tour and is therefore only considered for an exclusive event during visiting hours in special cases. Concerts and choir singing in the monastery church with its unique acoustics captivate the audience with their dignified charisma and convey unforgettable impressions.

The church is also available for wedding ceremonies, if necessary.
 Please note that the church has been secularized since the secularization. 

  • Room size: Large
  • Persons: up to 600 people
  • Square metre: 1970 m2
Weddings Festivals and celebrations Banquets and receptions

Social Room

up to 90 people


The social room is part of the present hotel building. The hotel building - once a mill and barn - was converted into a guest house as early as the 16th century. The social room is used as a breakfast room for our overnight guests and serves as a restaurant for our conference guests. Furthermore, the room offers you a perfect ambience for wedding ceremonies and private celebrations as well as for a festive dinner in the customer or business area.

  • Room size: Large
  • Persons: up to 90 people
  • Square metre: 212 m2
Weddings Banquets and receptions

Hospital Cellar

up to 100 people


  • Room size: Large
  • Persons: up to 100 people
  • Square metre: 620 m2
Banquets and receptions Weddings

Lay Refectory

up to 100 people


The lay refectory, the dining room of the lay brothers, is now part of the monastery tour and exhibition space of historic wine presses.

Information for your event planning.
The lay refectory is a popular venue for wedding ceremonies and receptions.

  • Room size: Large
  • Persons: up to 100 people
  • Square metre: 612 m2
Meetings Banquets and receptions Seminars Concerts Festivals and celebrations Weddings

Layman's Dormitory - North Part

up to 238 people


The Laymen's Dormitory, the former dormitory of the lay brothers, is located in the largest building in Eberbach, the mighty Converse Building from the early 13th century.

The term "Konversen" was used to describe men, mostly from humble backgrounds, who had turned away from worldly life (conversio = conversion) in order to place their lives and physical labor at the disposal of a monastery. The dimension of the Eberbach convent building testifies to the great importance of the conventuals for the functioning of the religious life.

As a "monastery within a monastery", so to speak, the Konversenbau housed all the rooms necessary for the lay brothers: the dormitory, which today is located at ground level to the guest house, and in the basement the dining room and the storage cellar. The dormitory, 83 meters long, occupies almost the entire floor. The atmosphere of this largest medieval room not used for sacral purposes in Germany is overwhelming.

The two-nave hall comprises 13 cross-vaulted double bays resting on simple squat columns. The clear rhythmic arrangement in the form of vaults, columns and belt arches gives the dormitory a dignified solemnity that has no equal in this form.

Information for your event planning
This Romanesque-simple monumental hall is today equipped with modern technology and is mainly used for large events. For example, the traditional annual Eberbach wine auctions take place here.
The hall is also a frequent venue for highly acclaimed gala events, such as the Rheingau "Riesling Gala", an exquisite wine banquet for many hundreds of participants.

The hall is ideally suited for corporate events such as festive banquets, product launches, annual general meetings, lectures or award ceremonies. It also offers sufficient space for exhibitions or trade fairs. The foyer is ideal for receptions or for catering to guests during breaks. If necessary, the layman's room can be divided by mobile partition walls.

A spacious kitchen area housed on the same level is available for catering.

  • Room size: Large
  • Persons: up to 238 people
  • Square metre: 422 m2
Meetings Banquets and receptions Seminars Concerts Festivals and celebrations Weddings

Layman's Dormitory

up to 1.000 people


The Laymen's Dormitory, the former dormitory of the lay brothers, is located in the largest building in Eberbach, the mighty Converse Building from the early 13th century.

The term "Konversen" was used to describe men, mostly from humble backgrounds, who had turned away from worldly life (conversio = conversion) in order to place their lives and physical labor at the disposal of a monastery. The dimension of the Eberbach convent building testifies to the great importance of the conventuals for the functioning of the religious life.

As a "monastery within a monastery", so to speak, the Konversenbau housed all the rooms necessary for the lay brothers: the dormitory, which today is located at ground level to the guest house, and in the basement the dining room and the storage cellar. The dormitory, 83 meters long, occupies almost the entire floor. The atmosphere of this largest medieval room not used for sacral purposes in Germany is overwhelming.

The two-nave hall comprises 13 cross-vaulted double bays resting on simple squat columns. The clear rhythmic arrangement in the form of vaults, columns and belt arches gives the dormitory a dignified solemnity that has no equal in this form.

Information for your event planning
This Romanesque-simple monumental hall is today equipped with modern technology and is mainly used for large events. For example, the traditional annual Eberbach wine auctions take place here.
The hall is also a frequent venue for highly acclaimed gala events, such as the Rheingau "Riesling Gala", an exquisite wine banquet for many hundreds of participants.

The hall is ideally suited for corporate events such as festive banquets, product launches, annual general meetings, lectures or award ceremonies. It also offers sufficient space for exhibitions or trade fairs. The foyer is ideal for receptions or for catering to guests during breaks. If necessary, the layman's room can be divided by mobile partition walls.

A spacious kitchen area housed on the same level is available for catering.

  • Room size: Large
  • Persons: up to 1.000 people
  • Square metre: 1.000 m2
Banquets and receptions Seminars

Hospital Room

up to 79 Personen


To the north of the early Gothic hospital building, a two-story building was added at the end of the 14th century.

Still the group of the five domed windows on the first floor and the seven cross-bar windows on the upper floor announce the elegance of its late Gothic residential building.

The preserved first floor hall ("Hospitalstube") preserves a remarkable testimony of medieval carpentry: a strong octagonal wooden column supporting a strong oak ceiling beam. From this room one has immediate access to the impressive vaults of the hospital.

The Hospitalstube offers a Cistercian simple yet appealing setting for a smaller banquet. In addition, seminars, workshops and meetings can be held.

Such "meetings" are appropriately rounded off by a wine tasting, a tour of the hospital or a guided tour of the monastery. But this special room is also suitable for a press conference in an extraordinary ambience.

  • Room size: Middle
  • Persons: up to 79 Personen
  • Square metre: 89 m2