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Eberhard from Oberstein

He was first named as a cathedral cantor in a document from 1291. As cantor, he was responsible for liturgical singing. Like the dean and scholaster, he had the right to wear the mitre during the service on certain feasts and, like them, was bound by oath to permanent residence. Eberhard not only held a high office in the cathedral chapter, but is also documented as chancellor to King Albrecht I from 1298 to 1300. It is surprising that Eberhard sought his final resting place in Eberbach, as he had a preferred burial place as cantor in the cathedral. Perhaps he had more confidence in the monks than in his fellow brothers when it came to his salvation. In his will, written just a few days before his death, he once again made a bequest of 100 pounds Heller to the monks on the day of his death. This was to pay for a pitanz, i.e. an additional portion of food, for the monks, which must have been beneficial to their zeal for prayer.

Source: German Inscriptions Online (43, No. 41), Academy of Sciences Mainz

Image of the tomb: Michael Leukel

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